A History Of Beard Fashion

Beards have been around since immemorial and in the last 10 years we have seen a popular demand with full beards coming back into fashion, but they often reveal a moment in time and we can see this all date back to certain centuries before. Below are a few of the beard trends and trendsetters.

Shaving and grooming beards has been known as far back as BC with the use of flint stones and clam shells being used.

In the 15th century Henry VIII’s beard was shaped as a spade and the king even started a beard tax in 1535 as he knew gentlemen would pay as they wanted to keep their facial hair. The style was much copied in the 16th century as it was a sign of mens virility.

Straight razors were invented in the 1700’s in Sheffield which caused a slow decline in beards. Pre victorian times, traditional wet shaving was very popular and it was only in the early victorian ages, gentlemen were told it was only excusable for the lowers labourer and mechanics to have the unshorn chin. But when we think of victorian men, we think of side whiskers. By the 1800’s, long sideburns, sometimes growing down past their chin lines became very popular. This trend lasted several decades and only started changing when the war began.

The soldiers were seen as masculine and they wore moustaches which started a wave of popularity across the UK. The full beard then came into fashion when mens masculinity came into question. Men started to leave the flighting field and take on desk jobs and the full beard meant a way for men to define their masculinity.

Gillette bought the safety razor out in the 1900 which then led to a less demand of barbers. Gentlemen found the safety razor easy to use and very affordable. Gentlemen would grow a moustache and every century seemed to have a different take, like the handlebar, toothbrush, pencil, horseshoe and chevron.

My grandad Ray owned a barbershop for 42 years and he told me, one of the most popular services he provided was the Traditional Hot Towel shave. It was only due to health concerns in the UK that made the sharpening of the straight razor with the leather strap illegal, having to start use disposable blades, he stopped offering the service.

Stubble came popular during the 2000’s and is still popular today with the likes of David Beckham and Tom Hardy previously having stubble. But from 2010 onwards, gentlemen now prefer a full beard which is expertly shaped in the barbershop itself.

In the last ten years, barbershops have become more of a premium experience, offering longer service times and the ability to pamper with emasculating. Here at Eagle & Bear barbers, we do just that. Men are more aware of the need to slow down and the monthly grooming appointment is a pleasure rather than a chore. With a whiskey in hand, whilst listening to our soothing background music from the likes of jazz and blues, you will leave feeling revitalised and relaxed ready for the working day ahead.

We pride ourselves on excellent customer service and included in every appointment is a thorough consultation so we can discuss together which beard shape will suit your face shape. To book an appointment click here.


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