Do you have a woman in your life that you’re struggling to buy for?

Do you have a woman in your life that you are struggling to buy presents for

Do you have a woman in your life that you’re struggling to buy for? Here’s a list of presents she will actually like.

Women are tricky to buy for, but below are a few fool proof and creative ideas to buy your partner so she will be smiling from ear to ear.

Spa day.

Relaxing on your birthday with a glass of prosecco in hand after a full day of massages, steam rooms and afternoon teas are just what makes women happy. Why not book one for the both of you? If that really isn’t your thing then what about booking her a facial for the morning of her birthday, she gets to relax whilst having glowy skin all day.


This could be disastrous, I agree. But a lot of women get this great feeling going out wearing a whole new outfit their partner has picked. Why? He’s picked it because you think she will look stunning in it. But and there’s a big but.. you should have a good idea if she would love you to buy her clothes or not. Does she always ask your opinion when she tries clothes on? If so, go for it! Just keep the receipt in case.


Simple, we love it, do I need to say more?

Weekend away.

There’s nothing better than a weekend full of birthday antics, all planned around you. This could be anything from a day of coasteering to a historic art museum and it doesn’t have to cost much either. Be creative! For my previous birthday, my partner planned a day in London full of all my favourite things. Cocktail bars, crazy golf, tapas and he had even booked a pottery making class (something that was on my 30 things to do before I’m 30 list). Plus he invited our two best friends along which added to the fun! Be imaginative and make the day personalised to her.

Cook her favourite meal.

You don’t need to be a great cook or even spend a lot of money, as it’s the effort that counts here. Why not cook a three-course meal with a bottle of wine and when you’re full, pick a movie on Amazon Prime and get all cosy. Not a good cook? Look up recipes for slow cookers, just bang all the food in and let it simmer away for hours, delicious.


Have you ever seen Lee Evans stand up show about pebbles, candles and cushions? It’s hilarious, I would fully recommend watching it. If you haven’t, he basically talks about how much his wife loves all three and his house is full of them. It’s true, we love smellies.


Easy I know, cop-out? No. Go down to your local market and buy a bouquet of fresh flowers. If you wanted something a little extra special, you could order them online and get them delivered to her work. But market flowers are just as lovely, and they usually last a lot longer!

Ask her.

If you’re still stuck with ideas, then just ask her if there is anything she would like. She may have a little birthday list hoping people will ask.


At the end of the day, you know your partner more than anyone. Whatever you get them, I’m sure they will be happy as you’ve put thought into it. Try to buy local and support other independent businesses. Just don’t leave it till the last minute.

Don’t forget to book yourself in for a freshen up with one of our expert barbers to look and feel your best for the plans you’ve organised.

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