Fancy A Change From Coffee

We go from ‘I need a coffee’ in the week to ‘I need a stiff drink’ at the weekend. We never give ourselves a break and sometimes all we may need is an alternative to them both.

Coffee works by stimulating the stress hormone, cortisol, which causes your liver to release stored sugars. This creates an unstoppable surge of energy until you crash. As the coffee buzzes you up, it means your mood will have to come back down at some point, which sometimes can cause anxiety, bad impact on sleep and digestion.

But fear not, some people are hypersensitive to coffee and experience all of the above whilst some people may never experience them at all.

Below are six healthy alternatives to coffee. We do recommend not to over indulge on one type of drink and try to have a balanced variety.

Honey and lemon Warm Water

Start your day by having a honey and lemon warm water. Full of vitamin C, lemon juice helps boost your energy levels naturally which will last throughout the day. This drink also cleanses your body of toxins and boosts your immune system. Honey and lemon warm water can boost the body’s capability to fight off diseases.

Celery Juice

My auntie told my sister about this one, and I was surprised with how many health benefits Celery juice has. Crohn’s disease and Colitis symptoms decreasing, detoxifying the body, boosting metabolism and natural immunity from infections are just a few benefits shown.

Geen Tea

This does have a small amount of caffeine in so we suggest only one a day. Green tea has been around for centuries and is used in many countries, I first heard about the drink when I was travelling in Vietnam, where all the local towns would give you green tea and fruit when you were passing through. Green tea improves brain function, boost’s metabolism and is full of antioxidants.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice isn’t the cheapest alternative to coffee but the benefits are huge, plus you don’t need much to gain them. Packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C, this juice is the king of all juices with plenty of health-boosting benefits.

Green Smoothie

Leafy greens like spinach and kale are the most nutritious things you can eat. They are packed full of vitamins including magnesium, calcium and iron, the B vitamins help you gain energy from your food which means this smoothie is a great coffee alternative.

Camomile Tea

This delicious herbal tea couldn’t be any different from coffee but chances are if you have clicked off this journal you may be wanting that fast heartbeat and jitters to calm down. Camomile tea is meant to relax the body also by the smell as well as the taste of the drink. This is the type of drink you want to sip on slowly whilst watching the world go by.


My suggestion would be to experiment with the above or also research other healthy alternatives and see which you like and watch the benefits unfold. Support your body to work efficiently so your energy levels remain steady throughout the day.

If you do fancy a change from coffee, Eagle & Bear Barbers offer a range of naturally caffeine free herbal tea’s to try alongside our freshly ground coffee.

To book an appointment click here.

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