Four Healthy Morning Breakfasts

You’ve had a great night’s sleep and are raring to start your day, but you’re sick of your usual breakfast cereal that makes you hungry after an hour. Breakfast is so important, all you have to do is refer to the name to realise why.

Your body has been without food for 12 hours or so and you need to break the fasting period. You need sustainable energy in the morning, and you won’t get that from sugary breakfast cereals which provide no nutritional benefits and leave you hungry shortly after.

Being a barber on our feet all day, we know how important it is to have a breakfast that has slow releasing energy, keep your mood balanced and is full of nutritious benefits, so that we can get on with our day and focus on our clients.

We know it’s sometimes difficult to get out of bed in the morning and we don’t want to be spending time making our breakfast. Below are four healthy breakfasts packed full of fibre, protein and antioxidants that you can prepare the evening before or only take little time to make in the morning. If you consider the benefits, it really is important to give your body and mind the best kind of fuel.

Smoothie Bowl

Me and my partner had plenty of these whilst traveling around Sri Lanka and Bali and we found ourselves walking around the local streets finding the best shack that sold smoothie bowls. Packed full of fruit (frozen or fresh) and the options are endless with mango and pineapple ,avocado and kale ,banana and peanut butter chocolate. You will never get bored of them.

Smoothie bowls can help you feeling fresh and ready for the day ahead, whilst if having a variety of fruit and vegetables, giving your five a day. If you don’t have time in the morning, make it the night before for a quick breakfast on the go.

Overnight Oats

Stay with me for this one. Oats can be boring on their own, but with the right added additions this breakfast can be delicious and packed full of flavour. Oats are high in fibre and protein and provide slow releasing energy to fuel you for the day ahead.

Prepare these on Sunday evening for the working week ahead, which means you can stay in bed longer in the mornings, Result.


Omelette takes a little longer in the mornings to make but on those cold winter mornings, a hot omelette is just what you need. Eggs are full of protein and also a great source of important nutrients like B12, B6 and vitamin D. Whats great, again like the other breakfast ideas, omelettes are versatile and you can add pretty much any ingredients that you desire. We love adding spinach as its one of the most nutritious foods you can eat.

Apple and Carrot Muffins

They are the perfect grab and go breakfasts featuring cinnamon, freshly grated carrot and granny smith apples. With hearty and wholesome ingredients like almond meal, which yields a nutritious and moist interior, they will fill you up and release slow energy through the morning. You can also bake a batch on the weekend and then freeze. Just defrost the evening before.

Honey and Lemon Warm Water

This is more of an addition to your breakfast, not a substitute. Swap your strong coffee for a honey and lemon water in the morning and feel the benefits straight away. This wakes you up gently whilst cleansing your body of toxins and boosts your immune system. Your skin benefits by helping clear acne and proves a dose of vitamin c which helps keep skin even toned. Try adding ginger for extra health benefits and a warming flavour.

If you feel you need your caffeine fix in the morning, and don’t feel guilty admitting you do, then maybe have a cup of coffee and a honey and lemon warm water.

Here at Eagle & Bear, we believe that eating healthy helps towards a calm and happy mind. That’s why we always have herbal tea’s stocked, brazil nuts at reception, calming jazz music and relaxing hot towels to help create that perfect atmosphere whilst visiting.

A balanced diet is important and is essential to feeling and looking your best.  However on special occasions we all deserve a treat, so here is my all-time favourite breakfast.

El’s celebratory bagels

It has become tradition for my partner to make these delicious bagels when there’s a birthday, holiday or on our anniversary. Simple but mouth-watering tasty.

Seeded bagels toasted, two rashers of crispy bacon, fried egg, grated cheddar cheese, salt and pepper and a big dollop of brown sauce.

You will love it, trust me. But maybe have a honey and lemon warm water alongside your bagel to make you feel not so guilty.

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