Movember And Your Wellbeing

Movember And Your Wellbeing - Eagle And Bear Barbers

Movember – the month that men worldwide grow their moustaches to create awareness for prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s suicide.

This November, Eagle & Bear are doing a sweepstake to raise money for this great cause. We will double any money raised and give it to the Movember charity. The winner of this sweepstake wins a Customary Cut & Style free of charge (T&C’s apply, see below). To play, pop in store, choose a winning mo and donate. Eagle & Bear will double the money that has been made and give it all to charity.

Let’s focus on mental health

Mental health used to be a taboo subject but thankfully this is no longer the case and more people are coming forward to admit they struggle with panic attacks, depression and anxiety.

Statistics have shown the UK suicide rate has increased by 11% in the last two years and men are at a higher risk than women.

Many of us can suffer from mental health daily troubles but if gone unchecked for too long it can become a problem and you can easily get trapped into a cycle that can be a struggle to get out of. We need to address the smaller problems before they take over our well-being.

The last decade has seen a drastic change within the barbering community. With barbershops offering refreshments, longer service times and bookings, you can feel organized, enjoy your visit and come out looking and feeling good. Barbers have a greater responsibility to look after the customers and to be there for them when they need help.

The barbershop is a safe place where gentlemen can visit and feel comfortable to open up about current events on a public and personal level whilst spending time in other gentleman’s company.

Barbers are possibly some of the best therapists out there as we see our clients every 4-6 weeks. We offer a comfy chair, refreshments and we listen. Sometimes I see some of my regulars more than I do my best mates and they become friends which I look forward to seeing monthly. I can imagine it’s the same for most barbers. There’s nothing better as a barber than making your client look good and seeing their state of mind lift with ease after a good chat in the confines of a safe space.

We are here for you if you need to let out anything off your chest.

Here are 7 tips to improve your wellbeing:


With the world changing dramatically with social media, we often feel that we have to check up on what our friends and family are up to, or post the best version of ourselves to gain a few more likes. I read a stat recently which showed that social media can sometimes leave a feeling of inadequacy, but we can also use social media to fill our feeds with positive influences.

Choose positive and motivational pages to follow and give yourself a set time limit for social media, whether that be 10 minutes a day or once a week.


A problem shared is a problem halved. It’s hard to open up but when you talk it out, the burden feels lighter. Don’t be afraid to talk, that could be to friends or family, counselor, your barber or anyone else you may think of. You may be surprised at how many people will want to listen and help.


I recently read in a magazine that being around nature has a positive effect on your mental wellbeing. It gives you the space to clear your head whilst breathing in the fresh air. I felt the benefits of this whilst in Centerparcs just last week and it honestly worked. Really look what is around you, take it all in and allow it to comfort you. Taking a walk daily in a local forest (or even a park) can reduce blood pressure and restore attention capacity.


Meditation has been around for centuries, but only recently has it become more popular and talked about. Sitting still, closing your eyes and breathing deeply helps quiet the mind with many other health benefits.

There are plenty of apps, books and YouTube videos (Yoga with Adriene is my favourite) to guide you through if you struggle to meditate on your own.


Make time for the activities you enjoy. Whether that be golf, reading, paddle boarding or stargazing, something that lights your fire will distract you from the negative thoughts and get you excited about life again.

Social activities rather than solitary ones help you socialize and has been proven to benefit your mental well-being.


Give yourself time to heal and take a break, you may be working too hard and not giving yourself time to rest and restore.

Maybe write a plan to break down your goals into sections, this may help organize and figure out what you want to accomplish in life. Look into HUGGS (Huge Unbelievable Great Goals) to help.

Try not to compare your life to others as everyone is at a different stage in their journey and no one is perfect.


There are so many books out there to help you. My favourite would be the Art of Brilliant books written by Andy Cope and it’s all about being a top 2%er. He promises to not mention any big words and be light-hearted with plenty of laughs involved. Andy works alongside a great team that also do well-being workouts which always leaves me feeling positive and ready to conquer the world.

If you do really need a helping hand, contact your doctor and they will help guide you in the right direction., and are just a few websites that can also help.

Here at Eagle & Bear barbers, we try to do our best in helping others. We have been on the website and have found lots of information on how to look for signs in friends who may be down, knowing and checking your own body and ways to get support. As I am female, I have no chance of growing a moustache to raise awareness but I have donated through their website and will be an ear to listen to clients who may need to get anything off their chest.

We look forward to seeing you at your next appointment and hopefully, you will choose your mo for the sweepstake. To book an appointment please click here.



T&C’s. Customary Cut & Style is worth £23 and cannot be redeemed for cash. The Customary Cut & Style can be changed to The Beard Shape or The Buzz Cut if desired. You will be contacted directly if you have won this Movember prize and we will book your winning service.

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