It’s Our Third Birthday!

Happy Third Birthday To Eagle And Bear Barbers

Come And Celebrate Our Third Birthday With Us At Our Stamford BarbershopIT’S OUR THIRD BIRTHDAY!

Three years already?

Thank you to all our loyal customers, some of which have been regulars since opening week! It has been a pleasure growing the business with you all beside me.

A big warm welcome to all the new clients who have stepped through E&B’s doors in the last 12 months, thanks for popping in!

A special mention to Jessie, Nathan and Fiona. I am very grateful to work alongside such a wonderful talented team. Sometimes I have to pinch myself with how lucky I am!

As always, it’s a tradition to celebrate with sweet chocolatey brownies, so please help yourself when you visit the store over the next couple of weeks.

Now don’t mind me whilst I treat myself to a glass of red, or perhaps the bottle.

Thank you for your support, it means the world.

The E&B Team

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