Meet Peter - Our New Barber At Eagle And Bear Barbers In Stamford

At Eagle & Bear Barbers, we like to strive for excellent customer service on every visit. As part of that, we also like to help you get to know our staff better, so hopefully you feel comfortable and confident when you visit.

Without further ado, meet Peter, the latest addition to the E&B family.

What is your industry background?

I started my journey in cutting hair 12 years ago, whilst at school and working alternative jobs out of the barbering industry until I changed my career and completed my barbering course. Since then, I have built up my experience in a barbershop abroad, where I learnt a lot from a well taught and experienced barber which was my mentor.

What services do you specialise in?

I love everything I do in the barbershop, from cutting hair to arranging a perfectly shaped beard; however I specialise in classic and modern male haircuts, whether I’m doing all scissor haircuts or precise clipper fades down to the skin.

What do you love most about being a barber?

To see people leave the barbershop with a good experience and feel good about themselves with the haircuts I do for them satisfies me the most.

What grooming advice do you give to clients?

Give your hair a gentle wash before you style it, this way you will not damage its structure and the styling will be easier whether or not you use products on it.

Hobbies, how do you spend your days off?

To keep progressing as a barber I would document myself about new hairstyles, trends and techniques, and the rest of my days off I enjoy driving my car around the country, reading a book, spending time with family and friends or watching a movie.

When will you find Peter in Eagle & Bear?

Peter will be working Wednesday’s, Friday’s and Saturday.

To book your next appointment with Peter, click here.

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