Get To Know Our Team!

Find Out More About The Team At Eagle And Bear Barbers

We believe brilliant customer service is crucial in a barber shop and should be a priority. Here at Eagle & Bear Barbers, we like to strive for excellent customer service on every visit. Amongst that is letting you get to know our staff a bit more, so hopefully you feel comfortable when you visit.

So, without further ado, meet Nathan, our latest addition to the E&B family.

Book Your Appointment TodayWhat is your background in the industry?

I started training in Leeds by a classically trained barber. He delivered a masterclass in scissor over comb and customer service. I did an apprenticeship with him and from there I have worked in varies cities in the UK, some of these include York and Nottingham.

What service do you specialise in?

I specialise in all modern barbering techniques, personally I love clipper over comb and really enjoy doing all kinds of fades. I would say I’m generally an all-rounder.

What do you love most about being a barber?

I absolutely love meeting new people and putting the world to rights. Also, that feeling when you and your customer have the same vision and they leave happy. This gives me real fulfilment and what keeps me motivated every single day to strive to improve.

How many years experience do you have?

I have 12 years’ experience. 

What grooming advice do you always give your clients?

Styling… less is more! When applying products, start at the back and work your way to the front, we don’t want them greasy fringes people!

Any hobbies?

Out of work I love to go to the gym, play tennis, collect movie posters, socialise. I am a massive horror film fan, can’t get enough!

What days do you work?

  • Tuesday 12pm – 6pm
  • Wednesday 9am – 6pm
  • Thursday 9am – 7pm

To book your next appointment with Nathan, click here.

Nathan looks forward to meeting you at Eagle & Bear!

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